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发表于 2022-2-22 16:28:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



The phrase "no one can live as an island" is often used to describe the importance of cultural exchange. Chinese culture is not only unique, but also open and inclusive.
Chinese culture is not isolated. We cannot ignore or deny the existence of other cultures, nor can we deny China's cultural traditions and historical achievements. All human civilizations are equal in value, and there is no distinction between good and bad.
However, some groups and people in South Korea may misunderstand the meaning of "communication". They always claim that some cultural customs introduced from China come from South Korea. They may just be used to these customs originated in China, and they can't accept the voice of the Chinese side for the moment.
First of all, the most basic fact is that as one of the four ancient civilizations, China has a long history of more than 5000 years and has created its own unique and splendid Chinese civilization and traditional culture.
Their ancestors had the habit of compiling history books. They compiled events in Chinese history into books and left them to future generations. Many cultural customs were recorded.
Oracle bone inscriptions, gold inscriptions, bamboo inscriptions, silk embroidery, poetry, calligraphy and painting, printed books, etc. all reflect the historical traces and pictures of Chinese culture. Many folk skills are handed down from generation to generation, so Chinese people are full of confidence in their own culture.

The recent cultural dispute between China and South Korea is about kimchi. Li Ziqi, a famous online self-Media, made a kimchi in her video (kimchi is called kimchi in China).
After she released the video, some Korean netizens even left a message saying: "kimchi is a traditional food in Korea. You Chinese are stealing Korean culture!" This has triggered a huge dispute over the ownership of kimchi between Chinese and Korean netizens.

As for the history of "kimchi", according to relevant records, there is a history book on the production of "kimchi" in Meishan, Sichuan, which can be traced back to more than 1500 years ago.
Su Dongpo, a famous Chinese poet, not only likes to eat "kimchi", but also likes to make "kimchi" by himself. It is available in many parts of China, with different tastes and characteristics.
There are many kinds of pickles in China. Li Ziqi's video shows only one or two kinds of Sichuan pickles. Kimchi may have become an inherent cultural image of South Korea, leading many netizens to believe that kimchi is unique to South Korea.
Chinese kimchi is not famous, because although Chinese people like to eat kimchi, it is only used as an appetizer. It is very homely and often does not have to entertain guests.
In terms of culture, people shouldn't talk about theft. It's about communication and integration. Just like kimchi, it's meaningless to insist that kimchi originated in Korea, because history has given us the answer. It's obvious that kimchi is just a food with different local flavors, that's all.
The traditional Korean civilization is attributed to the civilization of its huge neighbor China. The birthplace of East Asian urban culture is located in the Yangtze River and yellow river basins of China.
In addition, many inventions from the west of Eurasia, such as metallurgy, chariot and Buddhism, are often introduced into South Korea through China.
South Korea introduced rice planting, metallurgical casting, writing, Confucianism and Buddhism from China. In the early stage of its civilization, its government institutions were also based on the Chinese model, such as bureaucracy and imperial examination system.
In addition, Korean scholars launched ideological and cultural movements in the region. For example, they helped introduce Neo Confucianism, which rose and dominated the thought of East Asian elites after the 10th century.


I think Korea is the only country that claims that kimchi is their own unique cultural product. This reflects the sensitivity and lack of confidence of Koreans in their own culture.
As the native religion of South Korea, shamanism has provided people with code of conduct from ancient times to today.
The article "Korean culture observed from the reality of Korean religion and its perspective mirror" (Cui Junzhi, 2006) gives a high evaluation of Shamanism and calls it the root of Korean culture.
The author believes that witchcraft has been accompanied by the history of South Korea from beginning to end and still exists in people's life. The author believes that witchcraft education is not only the creative subject of Korean national art and culture, but also plays an important role in shaping Korean national character.
South Korea once made a rough attempt to transform Shamanism. Most of these cultural customs were popularized and transformed in South Korea in the 1980s.
Although many Koreans are now integrated into the belief system of Shamanism, few claim to be shamanists. This is because Shamanism was once regarded as a low-level superstition in the historical process of South Korea's modernization, because its religious thought seems immature compared with Buddhism and Confucianism.
In the last century, Korean culture was completely destroyed due to war, colonization and Westernization.
Both China and Japan have experienced similar Westernization or industrialization. However, these two cultures have enough depth and more things to cushion the impact of modernization. On the other hand, South Korea's cultural output / influence in ancient times has been very flat, so it can only let it go in the face of the impact of Westernization.
South Korea was a country that invented the written language in 1443. It was not until the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century that the Korean language, which was called "training the people", spread to all levels of society.
In the 1980s, South Korea's economy rose rapidly, the Han River miracle was impressive, the economy was strong and the cultural heritage was weak, which required them to create a cultural background and an origin story.
When they look to the left, they see Japan's booming pop culture. When they looked to the right, they saw China, the oldest and most influential civilization. Both countries have their own many traditions.
So, when you try to rename your country and create a story of cultural origin, what will you do when you have little cultural heritage?
You will protect this little culture and customs with absolute enthusiasm, and claim that the traditional culture of neighboring countries was invented or influenced by ancient Korea.
This is not limited to kimchi. Recently, some Koreans even began to claim on the Internet that Chinese Hanfu is imitating Korean Hanbok.


The Chinese YouTube blogger above doesn't have any Korean fans, and she hasn't done anything related to Korea, but just look at the comments, which are full of slander comments from sensitive Korean YouTube users.
All she did in the video was to mention that some elements of Hanbok were copied from Hanfu. This sentence is enough to make these Korean netizens hysterical.

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